WHAT GOOD NEWS. The Chicago Sun-Times is turning left:
The tabloid that shifted toward political conservatism under the brief ownership of Rupert Murdoch more than two decades ago now says that it is "rethinking our stance on several issues, including the most pressing issue facing Americans today: Bush's war in Iraq."Under marching orders from Publisher John Cruickshank and Editor in Chief Michael Cooke, new Editorial Page Editor Cheryl L. Reed introduced a new Commentary section Tuesday with a promise to turn the tabloid back into the liberal-leaning paper it was for decades before the Reagan administration.Could it be that there is a profitable market in liberal and progressive thought? I think so, given that millions of Americans hold liberal and progressive beliefs. The development of media alternatives to reflect that has been slow, however. We still don't have anything matching the "fair and balanced" Fox News of the Republican party. It is time to discuss such alternatives. A return of the Fairness Doctrine in some of the media would not suffice to bring real balance.--J. Goodrich