Poor Fox News -- there's just no longer any way to make the Republicans look popular. And it's not for lack of trying. Rebuffed at every other turn -- polls show Democrats ahead on the economy, terrorism, foreign policy, the environment, health care, global warming, etc -- Fox closed their latest survey with a real Hail Mary.
"If there is an all-out war between the United States and various radical Muslim groups worldwide," they asked, "who would you rather have in charge -- Democrats or Republicans?" This one should've been a surefire Republican pick-up. It is solely a question of toughness; foreign policy completely untethered from diplomacy and soft power. And yet, Democrats took it, 41%-38%. Republicans have so murdered their own reputation that the American people will pick a bunch of San Franciscan sissies to to fight World War III rather than turn things over to the incompetents in the Grand Old Party. Ouch.
Meanwhile, Steve Benen reminds us of some other Fox News questions:
From May's FNC poll: "Recently Democratic Leader of the Senate Harry Reid said that the war 'is lost' in Iraq. Do you feel this was an acceptable thing or an unacceptable thing for Reid to say while U.S. troops are still in the field fighting?"
From April's: "Considering that over the past twelve months the stock market is up, employment has increased and the disposable income of U.S. workers has increased, do you think the news media has generally done a good job or bad job providing accurate news about the nation's economy?"
From March's: "Do you think the Democratic Party should allow a grassroots organization like Moveon.org to take it over or should it resist this type of takeover?"
Reminds me of this Rupert Murdoch quote: "If you look at our general news, do we put on things which favor the right rather than the left? I don’t know... We don’t think we do. We’ve always insisted we don’t. I don’t think we do. Aw, it’s subjective. Neither side admits it."