GORE WATCH: ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY EDITION. There are, I hasten to acknowledge, much more important things going on in the world at the moment, but nevertheless this passage from EW's cover story on Al Gore includes a softer Gore line on the "running for prez" question than I've seen before from the man:
Of course, Gore can always go back to being an ordinary presidential candidate -- he hasn't completely sealed off that option. ''I do not expect to run for president again,'' he says, choosing his words carefully. ''But I haven't completely ruled out the possibility of running at some future time. I haven't given any Sherman-esque statements: 'If nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve...'''...Maybe this has been his line for a while; it was new to me.
UPDATE: Commenters inform me that, indeed, this has been his line for a while and I'm just behind the times. Perhaps I should stop depending on Entertainment Weekly for updates on American politics...
--Sam Rosenfeld