Well lookie here: Seems a certain Emmy/Oscar/Nobel winner stands at 32 percent -- just five points behind Hillary Clinton and well ahead of either Barack Obama or John Edwards -- in the latest (h/t to MyDD) CBS/NYTimes national poll. If Obama or Edwards are smart, they would take a cold, hard look at their campaigns and realize they are in trouble, especially Edwards. One of them ought bite down on his ego a bit, dial up Al Gore, and convince the Goracle to get in the race by agreeing to run as Gore's vice presidential choice. (Both men are young and have long, possibly bright futures ahead.) This would totally upend the entire race, the media would go ballistic, the national narrative would change overnight, and Hillary would have the fight of her life on her hands. Yeah, yeah: I know thats all crazy talk. And, yes, Gore on paper isn't Gore on the stump. But Gore is no Fred Thompson, and keep in mind that, five years ago, Gore's public approval was in the 20s, the presidents was in the 70s, and Gore was doing failed Saturday Night Live bits. If somebody had predicted then that Gore's national and international stature would be what it is today, they'd have been accused of crazy-talkin', too. --Tom Schaller