Via Matt, McClatchey Newspapers notes the GOP's absurdly frequent filibusters, though my understanding, as a member of the DC media, was that filibusters mounted by the Republican Party aren't actually filibusters at all, but mere exhibitions of Harry Reid's procedural incompetence. In any case, Jeeves! Bring us a graphic!
One dynamic enabling the GOP's continued heroic illumination of the Democratic Party's parliamentary weakness is that Reid rarely actually forces filibusters. He instead looks for a vote on cloture, loses it, and moves on. In this way, he's apparently made a conscious decision not to allow the GOP's obstructionism to actually appear obstructionist -- after all, nothing they do is really halting the Senate's business. Rather, he's apparently bought into the "you need 60 votes to get 51" concept, and is actually running the Senate as if that's true, rather than a procedural trick that has a public downside when exposed.