Read Kevin Drum on the chaos hawks. As he says, first we were to believe that we needed war to take out Saddam, then more war to fix what we had broken, and now more war to keep what we couldn't fix from exploding all over the Middle East. The hawks have become the supply siders of foreign affairs -- no matter what Iraq's problem is, the answer is more military deployment. That the continued military deployments haven't made anything better does nothing to change the prescription, just the rationale. But as Jon Chait smartly said about the supply siders, the only way to evaluate a theory is to see if it fulfills the predictions of its proponents, and you need barely glance at Iraq to know that that's not been true.
Meanwhile, Joe Lieberman and John McCain continue setting new records for wank. Check them out in the Wall Street Journal saying "The president had the courage to change course on Iraq. Does Congress?" It's an interesting definition a "changing course": If I'm in a car at 85 miles per hour on an iced over road and angrily insisting to my terrified passengers that "no, i won't slow down, I'm the $@&$% decider," McCain and Lieberman would not define changing course as pulling off onto the shoulder till the de-icer comes, but instead speeding up to 110 mph.