Not totally sure what to say about 2006. Much of it's been pretty great, and some, particularly in the final few weeks, has been rather painful. In any case, you guys, and this blog, and the opportunities and occupation that have sprung from it, have certainly been appreciated, so three cheers for that.
Personal triumphalism/melancholy aside, 2006 was a very good year for the country, and will be remembered as the year the voters dropped an anchor before the ship of state ran permanently aground. Righting the place, however, will take a lot of work, and a lot of organizing, and a lot of attention, and a lot of energy. There's an intimidating amount to do, but come the start of the 110th Congress, progressives will finally have a foothold from which to do it.
Paul Wellstone used to end his speeches with the refrain, "Keep fighting, keep marching, keep fighting, keep marching, keep fighting, keep marching!" To that I'll add typing, and donating, and persuading, and convincing, and e-mailing, and calling, and arguing, and thinking, and creating, and opposing, and supporting, and demanding. The last few years have seen an unprecedented explosion in ways to become civically involved and effect change. In 2006, some of them paid off. Whatever 2007 will be for us individually -- and I hope it will be great -- let's make sure it's even better for us collectively. And of course, keep fighting, keep marching. Onward to 2007.