Sorry for the light posting today, been on the road. But my absence was not the product of a lack of affection. I love you, my dear readers, and I want you to have a happy, politicized, Valentine's Day. So I spent most of today searching for cards I could give you all, but came up dry. Thankfully, the RNC came though for me:
Like, ohmygod, aren't they just adorbs!? There are three for Clinton, and three for Obama. Interestingly, the attack on Clinton seems set - she'll raise your taxes. Each card is a variant of her promising to raise revenue for necessary social services. Obama, however, clearly confuses them a bit. Where the hits on Clinton are concrete and unified, the cards mocking Obama are a bit more scattered and abstract. Some nail him for inexperience, some hit him for "present" votes. They're comfortable painting Hillary as a generic liberal bogeyman, but Obama, it seems, confuses them a bit more.