At this early stage, the Republican Senator I'd be the most excited about defeating in 2008 is Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Senate Minority Leader. He has a reputation as a very effective legislative tactician, and I've been wondering if the drop in Harry Reid's effectiveness from the last Senate term to this one has something to do with the fact that he's up against a serious opponent instead of Bill Frist. (It's also true that we have one of the flimsiest majorities ever, with Joe Lieberman providing the deciding vote.) If McConnell gets replaced by a less effective leader, getting universal health care and everything else through Congress becomes easier. If anyone has an idea who might be the next Senate GOP leader if we beat McConnell, I'd love to hear it.
Via Media Czech at MyDD, the latest Kentucky polling has McConnell at a 45/46 approval/disapproval rating, with our potential candidates trailing him by between 5 and 11 points in the polls. The most interesting candidate mentioned seems to be ex-Marine Andrew Horne, who trails by 11 because of low name recognition but has a 36/9 approval/disapproval rating. And of course, one way to help Democrats win the Kentucky Senate race is to provide the coattails of John Edwards, the only Democrat who's head of Romney and Thompson in Kentucky head-to-head polling.