HEALTH CARE: STILL SCREWED UP. There�s nothing too new in all this, but in case you were seeking further confirmation that health care is now a middle-class problem, a new study by the Commonwealth Institute reports that 48 percent of adults making between $35,000 and $50,000 report major problems paying for health coverage, as do a fifth of those making between $50,000 and $70,000. Coverage, for that matter, isn't the only issue; 40 percent complain of unsafe or unsatisfactory care under the system and 76 percent say it needs either major changes or complete rebuilding. Possibly most interesting is that about half of Americans making up to $70,000 worry that they'll be unable to afford high-quality care in the future. That's the sort of anxiety a savvy politician could make some great gains by tapping into.
--Ezra Klein