I'm sorta baffled by the triumphalism emanating from Hillary Clinton's pollsters. Insisting then repeating that she's seen as more of a leader in the Democratic Party than her husband? Well...of course she is. Her husband isn't part of the party anymore. He, like all ex-presidents, has ascended to a higher realm -- he's a national leader, not a leading Democrat. If you asked me to name the 20 folks helming the party, he wouldn't even appear on the list. Hillary would. And that's her problem. After multiple decades in the public eye, she's not been able to loose the surly bonds of partisan fighting and become a national leader. Her husband did, and so has John McCain, her likely opponent. As recent polls on them show, Hillary has a stronger floor but a lower ceiling. McCain isn't standing on as firm a foundation but neither is he subject to such oppressive limits. And, frankly, I'd prefer to be the candidate able to grow rather than the one unlikely to shrink.