Over at Talking Points, Josh Marshall raises the interesting question of why Hillary Clinton is sitting down at editorial board meetings with none other than Richard Mellon Scaife, and wonders why she would have us believe she was in any way surprised by a question about the Rev. Jeremiah Wright controversy during such a sit-down.
Yes, why? And where, oh where, is David Brock now? Scaife was once the Great Demon of Clinton World. Now she’s sitting side-by-side with him?
When this primary (finally) ends, whether Clinton loses or manufactures some amazing comeback, there will be two interesting storylines regarding her campaign. The first will be how she was unprepared for the nomination contest to go beyond the February 5 “Super Tuesday” round of primaries and caucuses--how her "inevitability" campaign led her inevitably to being caught flat-footed. The second will be how, after that point, she was prepared to do just about anything to recover footing and/or knock Barack Obama off his, of which the Scaife meeting is only the latest episode.
--Tom Schaller