Today's laughable homophobic immaturity is brought to you by the Washington Times:

As Amanda Hess explains, the choice of this title suggests the Times editorial board hasn't actually seen the movie Brokeback Mountain:
But Brokeback isn't just about gay guys -- it's about closeted gay guys. It takes decades of same-sex liaisons for Jack and Ennis to come out even to themselves. If anything, military barracks have been Brokebacked for the past 18 years. For the first time since 1993, Barack Obama could succeed in bringing barracks into the post-Brokeback era. I guess "Barack's Brokeback barracks, if that movie was not actually about how anti-gay stigma ruins the lives of both straight and gay people, and rather about how scary it is to hang out with a dude you are 100 percent sure is gay" doesn't have the same ring to it.
This is actually emblematic of the ongoing opposition to repealing "don't ask, don't tell," in the sense that it relies on entrenched prejudice rather than actual empirical evidence. No need to actually consider the volumes of studies and real-world examples showing gays and lesbians can serve openly in the military; you can just make an assumption based on your personal cultural sensibilities and then form your own reality around it.
A recent poll shows less than a third of Americans oppose repeal of DADT. Maybe the saddest part about the Times editorial board's pathetic DADT editorials is the fact that they're the "fringe," and they don't even realize it.