HOT OFF THE PRESSES: THE JAN/FEB PRINT ISSUE. The latest print issue of the Prospect has come out; you'll want to take a look. Ezra's cover story profiles three of the new progressive Dem governors voted into office in November and poised to push serious and consequential liberal reforms at the state level: Ohio's Ted Strickland, New York's Eliot Spitzer, and Massachusetts' Deval Patrick. Elsewhere in the magazine:
- Robert Borosage traces the growing electoral isolation of conservatives and the Republican Party they control.
- Brad Plumer reports on the push by arms manufacturers to weaken federal controls on armament exports.
- Ann lays out the political significance of new findings that RU-486 might be used to treat cancer.
- Sasha Polakow-Suransky reviews Jimmy Carter's hot-potato Israel-Palestine book.
- And Mark Schmitt explains why November's elections proved that Karl Rove was � right after all!
Also included is a special report on sustainable urban living and, free to non-subscribers, Paul Starr's argument for the right way to withdraw from Iraq. Non-subscribers, take note! If any of this sounds interesting, you ought to consider hopping aboard -- one New Year's resolution that'll actually pay off.
--The Editors