On CNN yesterday, Mike Huckabee said he had apologized to Mitt Romney for his "innocent" question about whether Mormons believe Jesus and Satan were brothers:
Speaking with CNN Wednesday, Huckabee expressed disbelief that the comment has caused an uproar.
"We were having a conversation over several hours, the conversation was about religion and he was trying to press me on my thoughts of Mitt Romney's religion, and I said 'I don't want to go there.'" Huckabee said.
"I really didn't know. Well, he was telling me things about the Mormon faith, because he frankly is well-schooled on comparative religions. As a part of that conversation, I asked the question, because I had heard that, and I asked it, not to create something -- I never thought it would make the story."
At the National Review, whose editors have endorsed Romney, Jim Geraghty called Huckabee on his feigned ignorance:"The apology is the right move, but I'm going to call horsepuckey on Huckabee's claim that a New York Times reporter knew more about comparative religions than guy with a theology degree." And if Amy Sullivan's experiences in a Baptist Sunday school are any guide, Huckabee probably learned about Mormonism long before he even went to seminary.
--Sarah Posner