Human Rights Watch is kicking off a new advocacy campaign in favor of trying the alleged 9/11 conspirators in New York City with a well-produced video showing New Yorkers expressing their support for a civilian trial:
The last Qunnipiac survey to poll the question showed a majority of New Yorkers supporting a trial by military commission, 68 percent to 25 percent, while a slim majority of Manhattanites, 48 percent to 46 percent support a civilian trial. It continues to mystify me that support for military commissions remains the "tough" position, given that American liberals living in the biggest terror target on the planet show more courage in the face of terrorism than the majority of the elected political leadership in the United States.
I'm still down for Ben Wittes' compromise proposal to try the 9/11 conspirators in both forums, although David Rittgers raises some objections.