[by litbrit, who wishes everyone a happy and thoughtful Earth Day]
It's Earth Day tomorrow, April 22nd, and word has it that Mother Earth has registered her wish list at every grocery store, gas station, and recycling center in the nation. What would she like from us, the human residents who seem hell-bent on partying long and hard in her beautiful home and then leaving the place a mess?
At the top of the list is a request that we start considering some of our smallest critter-neighbors, the bees. Albert Einstein either did or didn't have this to say about bees:
"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man."
And while some bloggers are busy devoting time and bandwidth to proving or disproving that it was indeed Einstein who made that dire prediction, I'd like to point out that regardless of who said it, bees are in trouble.
And so, therefore, are we.
In a potent closing monologue last night, comedian and political pundit Bill Maher had a lot to say about bees, and birds and humans, too: