IRAN SPECIFICS WATCH. Writing in USA Today, Hoover Institution fellow Peter Schweizer lays out a clear program for dealing with Iran: First, establish a naval blockade. "[Iran] imports almost half of the gasoline it needs. These imports arrive by tanker, so a blockade enforced by the U.S. Navy Sixth Fleet would have a devastating and immediate effect on Iran's economy, which is already plagued by high unemployment. It is hard to imagine the hard-line government surviving such an economic catastrophe." Yes, just like it was hard to imagine Saddam Hussein surviving our sanctions. What is hard to imagine is Iran not retaliating by slaughtering our soldiers in Iraq. Butwaitthere'smore! "Second," Schweizer writes, "the Bush administration should consider counterfeiting Iranian currency to further undermine the economy. This is not a weapon that should be used lightly, but in this case it is simply a tit-for-tat: Iran and its ally, Hezbollah, have been fingered for counterfeiting $100 bills. Counterfeiting Iranian currency would also provide a stern warning to other countries fond of counterfeiting U.S. currency." This seems crazy in a self-evident way (does anyone really think that the country with the strongest, most recognizable currency has much to gain by popularizing counterfeiting as a tactic of war?), but it's at least specific. These are the things Peter Schweizer believes we should do to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Given that the first is an act of war, it's pretty clear that he's comfortable with this leading to conflict. Who wants to join -- or, better yet, renounce -- him? --Ezra Klein