Ta-Nehisi Coates finds a commenter at Ann Althouse's blog who doesn't think much of his name:
I might respect Ta-Nehisi Coates more if he has less of a jackass ghetto name and was more of a serious thinker. Does he seriously think women's problem with Palin is about respect? Does he really think women (apart from Ann and some Dems) have a problem with Palin? I'm a Conservative black woman who just loves Sarah Palin. I respect her, too. She's got drive, energy, intellect, ideas. She's got mad executive skills. She's no airy-fairy, hopey-changey bullshit artist like the current WH occupant.
Okay, how the heck does Ta-Nehisi Coates pronounce his first name? Is it said 'Tennessee'? If it is, does he think spelling it 'Ta-Nehisi' will make him seem more authentic than he thinks he is?
"Mad executive skills"? Michael Steele, I've found your soulmate.
In any case, its certainly silly to think that anyone with a "jackass ghetto" (read: African) name could ever amount to anything.
-- A. Serwer