Listening right now to David Plouffe, Obama campaign chair, on a media call that was led off by Sen. John Kerry. Here are quick translations of Kerry's opening remarks, which were directly specifically and near exclusively focused on the Clinton campaign's attempt to claim significance from what happens today in Florida: "The bottom line is that Florida offers no delegates. It should not become part of some spin campaign...So now here we are with AFSCME spending trying millions of dollars…to assign some meaning to a contest that the chair of the party has said awards no delegates." "You have a contrast today, a juxtaposition. You have an avoidance of a rule set up by the chair to create something that isn’t supposed to be something. In my judgment, personally, as voters look at the meaning of the Florida primary, the voters are not looking for spin to win the news cycle…they’re looking for a real kind of unity to unite the country." --Tom Schaller UPDATE: “We think it’s a very political maneuver and one we think voters will see as too cute by half,” added Plouffe. “And if [Hillary Clinton] wants to spend the night in a non-February 5 primary state, that’s fine with us.”