(Posted by John.)
On the news that, unsurprisingly, Mel Gibson is a nasty anti-semite:
Even the most favorable interpretation of events possible — whichwould include a theory that he was never anti-Semitic until he wasvillified for making the Passion — still leaves Gibson looking like a man with some very sad demons.
It's so very satisfying to watch the right twist itself nine different ways to yell at the left for being anti-semitic over Israel and Lebanon, while working to excuse actually-existing anti-semites like Gibson. See, he never would've said nasty things if the Anti-Defamation League hadn't "vilified" him by pointing out that he was, y'know, anti-semitic.
Moral clarity at work. Mind your feet, the BS is ankle-deep.
It's worth noting that while Gibson specifically apologized to the deputies involved at his arrest, he couldn't take a second to specifically apologize for his "fucking Jews" comment.
Thanks, I'll skip Apocalypto.