After years spent stripping public school history textbooks of references to Thomas Jefferson, minimizing the importance of the New Deal, and inflating the role Christianity played in founding the country, the Texas Board of Education has turned to ridding their children's classrooms of a new scourge: the pro-Islamic, anti-Christian bent in school textbooks.
You may have been unaware of the "gross pro-Islamic, anti-Christian distortions in social studies texts," but the board isn't and has now started to consider the issue. It's interesting that this comes after a summer of revelations about Americans and their ignorance of and hateful views toward Islam. Not only do polls show that those without a college education no little about one of the world's most popular religions, but their lack of knowledge doesn't stop them from deciding that being a Muslim is a bad thing.
The more news like this trickles out, the less and less like parody a recent Onion article sounds: "Man Already Knows Everything He Needs to Know About Muslims."
-- Monica Potts