Rep. Allen West (R-FL) recently attacked Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) as someone who represents "the antithesis of the principles upon which this country was established," in response to a question from a conservative radio host about Ellison as someone who "supports Islam." Ellison is the first Muslim elected to Congress. George Zornick has Ellison's response:
Part of West's popularity among conservatives is the fact that as a soldier*, he was sanctioned for his treatment of an Iraqi detainee. Ellison's response highlights the fact that despite his tough-guy reputation, West hasn't smeared him to his face.I was surprised to hear of Congressman West’s comments because he has never expressed these sentiments to me directly.
Contrary to the views expressed by Congressman West, I work to represent the highest ideals of our great nation – ideals like freedom of worship and respect for all faiths, equal protection under the law as well as a civil and open public discourse.
I call on Americans of all colors, cultures and faiths to turn to each other, not on each other, especially in the renewed spirit of finding a more respectful and productive public dialogue.
Americans across the country want their public servants to reject the toxic and corrosive chatter that yields more heat than light. I hope to have a productive and respectful dialogue with all of my colleagues, including Allen West.
The Islamophobic right's renewed focus on Ellison is a reminder of how divorced from anything resembling a legitimate government interest their agenda is. As co-chair of the Progressive Caucus, Ellison's social liberal views are about as far from Taliban-style Sharia as possible. Ellison has also very publicly called on Muslims to do more to counter radicalism, saying at an appearance in July that "as American Muslims, we have to tackle the moral logic that some Muslims use to justify violence in the name of religion. ... To say glibly Islam is a religion of peace ignores the reality that there are some Muslims, to our horror, who distort Islam and advocate violence. We have to be at the forefront of correcting the record."
The Islamophobic right, though, isn't so much interested in national security or even preserving the secular rule of law as it is about preventing American Muslims from having any role in American public and political life. So it doesn't matter how much of an antithesis to radicalism Ellison represents through is political views or the very fact of his participation in American democracy, because he identifies as a Muslim, he is an enemy.
*I originally had written West was a Marine.