KLEIN'S LATEST. (THE OTHER KLEIN.) You don't need to be Nostradamus -- which will continue to climb in the polls until it loses to USC in a couple of weeks -- to know that this piece would contain many of the essential elements of a nightmare. However, it's not altogether horrible once you get past the cover, and if you ignore: a) the inevitable man-crush on Jim Webb; b) the fact that the name of Howard Dean one less time than does the name Terri Schiavo; and c) all that unseemly slobbering over the twin Sun Gods, Chuck 'n Rahm. (If you're going to credit them for the win in Ohio because they forced out Paul Hackett in favor of Sherrod Brown, and leaving aside the fact that Hackett likely would have won anyway, since the Ohio GOP was disincorporating before the eyes of the nation, shouldn't you at least feel obligated to point out that they tried the same thing in Montana, but that Jon Tester beat their handpicked candidate on the way to becoming every bit the U.S. senator that Sherrod Brown is?)
--Charles P. Pierce