While state lawsuits against the Affordable Care Act arguing that the individual mandate is unconstitutional continue apace -- with hearings and arguments set for both the Virginia and Florida cases before the end of the year -- at least one ridiculous suit ended in common sense.
Liberty University, a conservative Christian college in Virginia, had sued because it argued the law would require the school's money to pay for abortions, which is against the institution's values. That's, of course, not true.
'The Act explicitly states that no plan is required to cover any form of abortion services,' Judge Norman K. Moon, of the U.S. District Court of the Western District of Virginia, wrote in his order Monday.
The case has been thrown out. But what's unnerving is how far those who want to assert something completely false -- in this case, the idea that the health-care law covers abortion despite the fact that it explicitly does not -- are willing to take their claim. It just shows that anti-abortion advocates will continue to believe whatever they want, despite the facts.
-- Monica Potts