(Posted by John.)
Brief interview in the Boston Globe:
And what's the most important new technology auto buyers don't know about yet?
Plug-in hybrids. They're being touted as the wave of the future, andI think they are. I can imagine a scene in the not too distant futurewhen a wife will turn to her husband at bedtime and say, 'Honey, didyou remember to turn off the lights, bring in the cat, and plug in thecar?'
How do you think the auto industry can and should face concernsabout the environment and rising gas prices?
I have to confess thatlike many business people – especially in the car industry – I camelate to enlightenment on global warming and the energy crisis. But nowI'm making up for lost time. Automakers have to get aggressive aboutbuilding hybrids. Why is General Motors building Hummers? That doesn'tmake sense. I'll go a step further: I think we should raise the gas taxand spend the money on developing alternatives to oil. Let's face it,finding more oil does not constitute an energy policy. [emphasis mine - J]
He also seems to bash Bush in his latest book, so I might actually read it.