LEE SIEGEL, CALL YOUR OFFICE. At the nexus of blogofascism and Islamofascism lies Mahmoun Ahmadenijad�s new blog. Really. So far there's only one post up and its length indicates that he hasn't yet quite grasped the format. He does, however, promise that "From now onwards, I will try to make it shorter and simpler." The site even has an online poll question: "do you think that the US and Israeli intention and goal by attacking Lebanon is pulling the trigger for another word war?" Newsweek offers analysis.
Early critique: The site seems slow, probably because he seems to be using some kind of Java backend rather than standard blogging software. The design is, however, much more clean and contemporary than what Ayatollah Khameini has to offer. Khameini's efforts to combat rising sectarian violence seem noteworthy: "Discord and disunity is a lethal poison to the Islamic world, and any action causing schism among Muslims and, as a result, serving the interests of the enemies is a betrayal of the Islamic world."
--Matthew Yglesias