Yesterday, Chris Hitchens endorsed Obama because of his superior character and temperament. But he also adds, "On 'the issues' in these closing weeks, there really isn't a very sharp or highly noticeable distinction to be made between the two nominees." If Hitchens really believes this is true, it may be time to hang up the old pen. It doesn't take too much work to take a look at any of the favored analytical categories -- record, rhetoric, policy proposals, advisers -- and determine some fundamental (and even superficial) differences between the contesting senators.
My sneaking suspicion: Hitchens would like to avoid mentioning one of the biggest issue contrasts, the Iraq War, because he has placed himself so firmly on McCain's side. Lining up alongside the "surrender faction" is difficult, no doubt, but it may make the learned Hitchens feel better if he realizes that, in pulling out of Iraq, we aren't surrendering to anyone.
--Tim Fernholz