THE LEVEL OF ANALYSIS WE'VE COME TO EXPECT FROM THE NATIONAL REVIEW. Victor Davis Hanson, writing at The Corner, has the following completely vapid observation:
The world is not as you read. Here in Hillsdale, Michigan, teaching, and reading an alarmist account about global warming -- while freezing in an August downpour. Then turned to the supposedly horrendous reports of the economy and the 'smashing' effects of capitalism only to read Harvard now has a $34 billion endowment helped in no small part by this year's 23% rate of return on investments.
The performance of Harvard's endowment is a signifier of the economy's improvement. You couldn't make this stuff up. Hanson uses these alleged gaps between the media's portrayal of the world and his view of it to show that ... wait for it ... Iraq is improving. His evidence? A vague reference to "new reports of progress." Really though, if a cold rain August is all the evidence he needs to reject global warming is it any wonder he thinks we're winning in Iraq?
--Sam Boyd