Continuing the ongoing saga of conservatives objecting to sexist bigotry only when it's directed at conservative women, Ashley Herzog complains about all the liberal sexists out there.
Brace yourselves, readers, because it’s not over yet. This year has been Misogyny Mania for liberals who claim to be “pro-woman.”
Her examples? The guy who wrote that mysogynist "hate-f***" screed about conservative women for Playboy, which just about every liberal who commented on the subject criticized, and the fact that Carrie Prejean was criticized for her stance on gay marriage. Her argument is that since several prominent Democratic politicians oppose gay marriage, it's sexist for liberals to criticize Prejean. Which might almost be in the ballpark of making sense if liberals didn't also go after those same politicians for opposing gay marriage.
The only actual liberal quoted in the piece is Jessica Valenti, who, natch, was objecting the very Playboy article that was the subject of Ashley Herzog's piece proving that all liberals are sexist. I'm not saying there aren't liberals who are sexist. I've met some. I'm saying if you're going to write a whole op-ed complaining about endemic liberal sexism, you might want to, you know, quote a prominent liberal saying something sexist that liberals didn't also criticize as sexist.
Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for conservatives of any gender to object to Rush Limbaugh's daily use of terms like "feminazi" and "testicle lockbox." Of course, since Hillary Clinton isn't a conservative, that doesn't actually "count" as sexism.
-- A. Serwer