This is crap. A travesty. A crime. Nick Confessore, of TAPPED, The Washington Monthly, and now The New York Times, is down to 4th place in Gawker's "Hot Men of the Times" contest. He deserves better. And you can make it happen.
Incidentally, where's the "Hotties of the blogosphere contest?" Matt Yglesias v. Josh Chafetz. Josh Marshall vs. Andrew Sullivan. Kevin Drum vs. John Derbyshire. Michael Berube vs. Daniel Drezner. Roxanne vs. Malkin. Jeralyn Merrit vs. Eve Tushnet. Me vs. Someone Like Me. All proceeds go to charity. Then we can make a calendar, travel to America, have a big fight, return, make up, and sell the movie rights. This is gonna be great.
And, in case you forgot the original point here, go vote.