Obama dodges the question of whether "turning the page" means "turning the page on Bush, Clinton, or both." He speaks slowly and cautiously about working alongside independents and Republicans on issues like universal health care. Does Hillary think it's dangerous to have only two families in the White House over two decades? "I thought Bill was a pretty good president. ... I am running on my own. I think I know how to find common ground and to stand my ground." Biden is asked whether MoveOn.org has changed politics. He responds, "They haven't changed politics. They're part of the party, it's not their party." Should Obama have gone to Jena to protest? "No, because I was in Washington at that time trying to bring an end to the war in Iraq, and that was something that was critical. The fact is that before any of the other candidates on this stage, I spoke out in regard to Jena. ... This is an issue that's not black or white, it's an issue of American justice. We've got to make sure the justice system works for every American." Does Edwards support developing more nuclear power here in the U.S. "No. No." Obama: "We shouldn't take nuclear power off the table." Clinton: We need a viable solution on what to do with nuclear waste before we develop more nuclear power. --Dana Goldstein