- Over at her excellent new blog, Kathy G. highlights some ways Hillary Clinton is like Nixon and shows why that's not a bad thing.
- David Sirota has a long piece in In These Times arguing that Hillary Clinton is deliberately exploiting racial animus because she succeeds in states with some black people but not a lot. It's an interesting argument (though not as novel as he seems to think) and it's supported by a striking graph, but I thought the part about her use of racial tensions was somewhat unpersuasive although there are a few dramatic examples.
- Mark Sanford may not be as likely a VP pick for McCain as many people have presumed because he abandoned McCain late last year.
- The Politico taxonomizes superdelegates.
- The girl who Clinton met on the tarmac in Tuzla says she doesn't remember any danger. This primary has totally jumped the shark.
- Ben Smith points out that candidates' statements on whether they will drop out have zero predictive value.
- Obama did personally look over a questionnaire he filled during a 1996 run for Illinois state Senate in which he expressed some "liberal" positions. His campaign had denied this, but the original document has now been found.
- Mark Halperin argues that Clinton is running hard despite her long odds because she genuinely believes Obama has little chance of being elected.
--Sam Boyd