- I think what gets revealed when Rand Paul says the poor don't have it so bad in America or when people freak out over the salaries of bus drivers is how tenuous their commitment to "capitalism = freedom" really is. It must be convenient to believe that those beneath you are there because of some sort of personal failing, and consequently should be punished with low pay and zero prospects for career advancement.
- It's silly to ask poll questions like, "Do you endorse the system of checks and balances" when you could just ask, "Is America awesome or not?" But I wonder what the 19 percent who don't support checks and balances want. What is their vision for governance? Perhaps some of the sensible ideas percolating at the state-level GOP?
- Matt Cockerill is reading way too much into an Ann Coulter piece that supposedly demonstrates she has "anti-war" inclinations. Coulter's MO is to attack Democrats and liberals in any way she can. So naturally she isn't interested in Michael Steele's remarks about the folly of getting involved in central Asian land wars -- she's just pivoting off Steele so she can insist that Democrats/liberals have "no interest" in national security and hate America.
- Remainders: Jonathan Bernstein continues the great "should Ford have pardoned Nixon" debate of 2010; Politico should do more stories like this one; nobody could have predicted that the Affordable Care Act would actually, you know, control costs; and people who read The Wall Street Journal opinion page for economic advice must lack higher mental functions.
--Mori Dinauer