- Clinton seems to have been remarkably effective at convincing the press that it's being too hard on her. This has left the Obama campaign somewhat gobsmacked, but it is finally responding.
- Former DNC chairman Don Fowler is a longtime Clinton supporter, but his wife Carol Khare Fowler has just come out for Obama. But wait, she's a woman and he's a man, doesn't that mean it should be the other way around? That's what the Washington Post keeps telling me. I'm so confused...
- A Democratic 501c(4) is running ads in Ohio blasting McCain as "McSame" for his similarity to President Bush. Clever and quite likely effective.
- Speaking of clever and quite likely effective tactics, some people are reporting that Obama has been preparing a "delegate bomb" of 50 super delegates who will announce their endorsements after tonight's results. If the results tonight favor Obama it won't be necessary and if they're good for Clinton the strategy wouldn't be enough to push her out, but if the result is close or the states split this could tilt the debate over whether Clinton should drop out -- assuming it's true of course. Similarly, the campaign will likely release his total fund raising numbers for February which are widely expected to be huge.
- In annals (ahem) of crappy advance work I don't know if a major presidential campaign has done anything as dumb as putting the traveling press corps in a mens restroom on the day of a make-or-break election, but that's what the Clinton's campaign did today. No wonder they're harder on her than Obama. See photos and video here.
- Most Democrats want Clinton to stay in the race no matter what happens today. Of course most Democrats also probably don't quite understand the delegate process (neither did most political reporters until a month ago!), but since when has being uninformed ever stopped Americans from having opinions?
- McCain's website opposes Bush's social security privatization plan. McCain supports it.
- What is it with Ohio and ballot issues? Apparently voters across the sate must remove a tab from their ballot in order for it to count. Not that bad except that the tab is marked "Vote Will Not Be Counted If Removed."
- Clinton, once again, is fantastic on the Daily Show. And hey, she committed news! She said "there are good ideas all across the political spectrum" which I think she would have slammed Obama for back in January. Meanwhile, the designers of Obama's typeface note that McCain's is often used in hygiene products. No wonder he's so good at keeping his campaign smelling good (Update: It's also the font used on the Vietnam War Memorial).
--Sam Boyd