- Yesterday, it appeared as though Republicans were winning the policy debate over the stimulus, the Obama administration had fallen victim to its hubris over bipartisanship, and that Senate Democrats lacked the votes to even pass the legislation in the first place. Today, the bluff of a group of "centrists" to strip $80-100 billion from the stimulus has been called, Obama has penned a strong op-ed in The Washington Post that reiterates the fact that bad economic policy got us in this mess and won't get us out, and Harry Reid has confirmed that Senate Democrats do in fact have the votes to pass the stimulus. Tim has more from Reid's Spokesman.
- Last night an alternative "stimulus" proposal was introduced by Jim DeMint -- arguably one of the top three most conservative Senators -- and it attracted 36 Republicans. The proposal contained such gems as permanently -- repeat, permanently -- abolishing the alternative minimum tax and the estate tax, locking in capital gains and dividend taxes at 15 percent, and lowering corporate tax rates to 25 percent. I used to think that Senate Republicans as a group were less crazy than their House counterparts, but given that only four Republicans voted against this voodoo, I think I'd have to agree with Pete Sessions' comparison of the GOP minority to the Taliban. These people aren't conservative in any meaningful sense, they're radicals who apparently want to destroy this country.
- Tax problems have been the albatross around the neck of several Obama cabinet appointees. But I think the bar has been lowered considerably for Hilda Solis, whose husband apparently was forced to settle a sixteen year old tax lien against his business. So, this really has nothing to do with Solis the Labor nominee, but the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee has nevertheless postponed her confirmation.
- Ruth Bader-Ginsburg was hospitalized for pancreatic cancer today. The Supreme Court justice had been treated for colon cancer earlier in her career.
- Andy Card: "The Oval Office symbolizes ... the Constitution, the hopes and dreams, and I’m going to say democracy. And when you have a dress code in the Supreme Court and a dress code on the floor of the Senate, floor of the House, I think it’s appropriate to have an expectation that there will be a dress code that respects the office of the President" Me: were these noble thoughts going through your head when your former boss decided to start a war under false pretenses, authorize torture and illegally spy on American citizens? Or were you more concerned about whether a gray flannel is respectful enough of the office?
- Speaking of whiners, former Senator Norm Coleman believes the unresolved Minnesota Senate recount court case he initiated has deprived Minnesotans of full representation and that's the Democrats' fault. Meanwhile, Al Franken is trying to get temporarily seated so he can, you know, represent the people that elected him.
- Scott Mayerowitz has a huge scoop over at ABCnews.com: the President of the United States not only earns a $400,000/year salary, but also gets a private residence, car and jet tax free! I suggest you leave comments on this earth-shattering report and profusely thank Mr. Mayerowitz for reminding us that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
- This story about Gen. Anthony Zinni getting screwed over by the Obama foreign policy team is pretty amazing, particularly the fact that National Security Adviser Jim Jones had been friends with Zinni for years and didn't bother to tell him he wasn't going to be U.S. ambassador to Iraq.
- Judd Gregg, who I noted yesterday as commerce secretary would be heading up the 2010 census, will be bypassed by the Obama administration, CQ Politics reports.
--Mori Dinauer