- Well, so much for Obama and Clinton skipping arm in arm into the sunset as people seemed to expect after the last debate. Today Clinton gave what was billed as a major foreign policy speech, but in fact was just her standard arguments with unusually direct attacks at Obama. Clinton also was viciously sarcastic about Obama yesterday, suggesting that he wanted to "waive a magic wand" and have "special interests disappear." Of course, that would make him a naive simpleton which somehow doesn't quite seem plausible to me. Or maybe he's jut a terrorist. Jonathan Stein has more complete take on the various charges and counter charges of the weekend.
- This newly angry Clinton campaign may be an attempt to shrug off reports of a demoralized and depressed campaign or it could be confirmation of them.
- Tina Fey had hilarious pro-Clinton bit on Saturday Night Live last, um, Saturday.
- Ezra nails a big reason the press loves McCain.
- That may be why we're just now learning that a key McCain adviser does much of his business as a lobbyist from the straight talk express.
- Steve Benen takes apart Mark Halperin's sixteen point plan for McCain's campaign.
- Finally, even though the primary is probably winding down, it still has the power to literally turn brother against brother.
--Sam Boyd