- Conservatives seem to have trouble keeping their smears straight these days. On the one hand you have Fox News claiming that former leftist terrorist Bill Ayers was Barack Obama's mentor and on the other you have Congressman Jack Kingston arguing that Obama hates America because he doesn't wear an American Flag pin (hilariously, Kingston had to admit that he does not do so either).
- The Clinton campaign meanwhile is descending into recriminations and fingers are starting to point at Mark Penn (finally!). When your staffers are attacking each other on the record you know your campaign isn't going too well.
- Meanwhile, it's becoming increasingly clear that it will be very hard for Clinton to regain a lead in pledged delegates. Slate notes that she'd have to win the remaining contests by an average of 16 percent to regain a lead in pledged delegates. I don't see that happening, it is possible that a significant win in Texas and Ohio followed by a series of wins after that could convince enough superdelegates to support her for her to gain the nomination. Still, at this point she only has a slightly greater chance of being a nominee than Mike Huckabee. Run your own numbers over at Slate's new delegate tracker (we really could have used this like a month ago).
- The AP runs a story that chronicles Obama's attempts to convince people that he isn't a Muslim.
--Sam Boyd