- Republicans go to the polls in Michigan today, well a few of them do anyway. Snowy weather is responsible as is the coldness of Republican voters towards their candidates.
- The other big political event today is the Democratic debate in Nevada which, unless NBC wins an appeal very quickly, will include Dennis Kucinich after he sued successfully to be included. I can see both side of this as a moral issue, but his legal argument seems very sketchy. Then again, I'm no judge. The debate will be shown at 9 p.m. eastern on MSNBC.
- Clinton and Obama seem to have called a truce, though they hardly contributed equally to the controversy over race of the last several days. However, as the Post notes Clinton will still most likely be asked about the Johnson mess soon since she hasn't really addressed it yet.
- And Clinton may have laid off Obama, but Richard Cohen picks up the slack with this nasty, racist, and thoroughly contemptible column linking Obama to Louis Farrakhan via Obama's pastor's daughter. Really. I don't expect it'll be long before someone points out that they live about four blocks apart (which is actually true). I'm sure Louis drops by for coffee on idle Sunday mornings and Barack ambles over for a bit of pickup basketball on a day off. Obama's response is pretty much what you'd expect.
- Al Sharpton is also entering the Obama/race game with a comment that argues, if you can follow this, that Obama hurts his appeal to Latinos by appearing to be above race issues.
- What'll happen in Nevada? Nobody has a clue. Edwards might even win.
- Meanwhile in Michigan, Romney has outspent McCain and Huckabee put together.
- Huckabee meanwhile may be the first candidate to be damaged by something someone said in bloggingheads.tv appearance.
- In polling news, Gallup is now able to poll us crazy kids who don't own landlines.
- This bit of campaign analysis from the NYT has some interesting ideas, and, even if I don't really know if I agree with it, it's good enough that I can't really summarize it.
- Finally, just for fun, if you've wondered which Buffy villain each Republican candidate is similar to see here. Thompson as the Judge and Romney as the Mayor are incredibly apt. They even look similar. General Zod isn't a Republican, but I think we can safely say the villain he most resembles is General Zod.
--Sam Boyd