- The policy of health care reform: Max Baucus has finally released the details of the Senate Finance Committee version of health-care reform, and it's unsurprisingly a mixed bag. Of course, the status quo is untenable, and the would-be Republican alternative (less insurance = more choice!) offers little more than a window into the GOP's utter contempt for working Americans.
- The politics of health-care reform: Jonathan Cohn convincingly explains why August didn't wreck the effort for reform, arguing that the legislative process has hardly changed, despite a month's worth of death panels and socialism. Meanwhile, Republicans are still struggling to explain the "big difference" between Medicare and a public option, and explaining why cold-blooded liberals are going to euthanize grandma to save money.
- Today, America's dictatorial president issued a propaganda speech to America's children that included such freedom-crushing advice as "succeed," "work hard," and "wash your hands." An adult indoctrination address is scheduled for tomorrow evening when our supreme ruler will announce his unilateral decision to use the power of the government bureaucracy to take over delivery of health care in America, to complete the socialistfascistcommuniststatist takeover of the country. True patriots can rest easy knowing that at least one American is standing up for freedom during these dark times.
- I know the right wing is pulling out all the stops in their quest to protect America from the tyranny of dictator-for-life Barack Obama, but special mention ought to be made for Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.), sponsor of the Czar Accountability and Reform Act of 2009, which has a veritable who's who of cranks co-sponsoring the bill. Too bad half of the "czars" listed have already undergone Senate confirmation -- the legislation's goal -- or were appointed by past administrations or were confirmed by the Senate for past positions.
- Weekend Remainders: Texas Gov. Rick Perry joins the other principled conservatives doing the stimulus two-step; Eric Cantor suffers from oblivironia; and John Ashcroft could be held liable for post-9/11 detention policy.
--Mori Dinauer