- Barack Obama has responded to the my.barackobama.com group determined to change the presumptive Democratic nominee's position on FISA, but he hasn't changed his position -- he is still arguing that the compromise is still better than what preceded it.
- William Kristol argues in his NY Times column today that the McCain campaign should hire Mike Murphy, who managed both of Jeb Bush's Florida gubernatorial runs. Both Christopher Orr and Jason Zengerle -- among others -- find this argument wanting.
- John McCain has a new favorite policy position: balancing the budget. Only problem is that this "plan" isn't a promise, just a "demand," and lacks any specifics about how the budget actually gets balanced. Even McCain's own economic advisers are less than thrilled his general economic plan.
- Charlie Black "concedes" that Barack Obama is patriotic in this Politico story.
- Obama is expected to give his nomination acceptance speech in a football stadium outside the smaller arena holding the actual convention. He will be the first Democrat to do so since John F. Kennedy. Meanwhile,The Washington Post reports that McCain could face a challenge at the RNC in St. Paul.
- Political Insider notes the gains Obama is making in ten states Bush won handily in 2004.
- As Dylan noted earlier, Virginia Sen. James Webb has categorically denied an interest in being Barack Obama's running mate.
- The Wall St. Journal documents how Obama is still facing resistance from some top Hillary Clinton supporters.
--Mori Dinauer