- Politico has a good list of 25 counties to watch this evening as the votes roll in. And don't forget to check out TAP's Election Night Guide, which includes all the races to watch, from counties to Congress to ballot initiatives!
- The Onion calls the election. All hail DRE 700!
- Sarah Palin discusses her future in American politics with reporters outside her Wasilla polling station: "You know, if there is a role in national politics it won’t be so much partisan. My efforts have always been here in the state of Alaska to get everybody to unite and work together and progress this state. It would certainly be a uniter type of role." As if to echo this point, a second Alaska probe concludes that Palin did not violate ethics rules in firing a state trooper.
- William Kristol (magna cum laude, Harvard, '73) on Palin: "She has a future, she may not run in four years if McCain loses. Franklin Roosevelt, as a 38-year old, lost the vice presidential race. He became governor of New York and then was elected 12 years from [then]. ... She reminds me a lot of FDR. I just said that so that can go -- so the left wing blogs can go crazy." Not so much crazy, Bill, but in awe of how Fox can call itself "news" or even "analysis" with a straight face.
- As our own Harold Meyerson has reported, contra four years ago, 527s are conspicuously absent in 2008. According to The Campaign Finance Institute, these groups spent half as much this year as they did in 2004. But total spending by outside groups could exceed $400 million.
- Here at TAPPED, we've been tracking important ballot measures in California. But one overlooked item is Proposition R, wherein San Franciscans would rename the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant to the George W. Bush Sewage Plant. Immature? Sure. But since George Bush probably won't face the justice he rightly deserves for his monstrously corrupt and criminal presidency, we'll have to take what we can get.
- Some fodder for The Corner: Bill Ayers spotted at the same polling place as Barack Obama -- and at the same time!
- Stay tuned to TAPPED this evening for all election-related news updates.
--Mori Dinauer