- Many pollsters are apparently skipping Nevada in an effort not to be incredibly embarrassed once again
- James Clyburn may rethink his neutral stance after comments from both Clintons which he saw as downplaying the accomplishments of the civil rights movement.
- Obama picked up the endorsement of Janet Napolitano and somewhere in Washington Matt Yglesias is doing a happy dance. Also Ned Lamont.
- Sex! (and politics...)
- Who believes in Evolution? Me! Also Mitt Romney and maybe John McCain.
- Ding dong, Unity '08 is (almost) Dead!
- What are your instinctive reactions to Democratic and Republican candidates? Find out that and more here. Turns out I really don't like Bill Richardson, though anyone reading yesterday's Lightning Round probably picked up on that.
- And finally, some happy news to end the week. The Giuliani campaign continues its slow-motion collapse.