- Great. The U.S. Senate fails to help the poor, elderly, and unemployed with 58 aye votes but votes unanimously to impose sanctions on Iran. Decisive! The toughest member of the esteemed body, Joseph Lieberman, added that he hopes "our combined sanctions will change the calculus of the Iranian regime" (they won't) and that military force might be necessary to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.
- Rand Paul wants to deny citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants born in the United States. What's puzzling is that he thinks the courts should review whether the 14th Amendment applies to the undocumented, and if they uphold it, then he thinks a constitutional amendment should be proposed to specifically ban it. Why even bother with the review? Why not just go straight to the amendment?
- Admittedly, I have not read the book-length defense of the electoral college, but the idea that the National Popular Vote movement is a threat to the republic is just bizarre. Ignore the mumbo-jumbo about our "unique blend of federalism and democracy," and it's clear that the electoral college vote, with very few exceptions, simply ratifies the popular vote in almost every presidential election.
- Remainders: Radical economic policy is the first obstacle to reforming the Republican Party; the Texas state GOP is insane; the American right's credibility is a perpetual problem; if I were in D.C., I would totally attend a CRS seminar on Senate procedure; and one man's handouts are another's subsidies.
--Mori Dinauer