- It's impossible to take Republicans seriously on clean energy when they simultaneously propose fleets of electric cars and deny that wind power has "anything to do with reducing America's dependence on oil." At least proposing electric cars is kinda-sorta a plan, but it's not a whole lot better than the default Republican position of denying we need non-carbon energy at all.
- Jonathan Chait doesn't understand why Veronique de Rugy would produce a chart that shows the opposite of what she claims it does. Well, de Rugy wants a tiny federal government. She wants it so badly that she supports slashing the Department of Transportation's budget because transportation is "the responsibility of state and local governments and the private sector." Nevermind that states and municipalities are broke and "the private sector" has little incentive to fill potholes, we can't have Washington interfering!
- While it's true that Tea Partiers are more interested in tax cuts than deficit reduction, let's not forget that they are most animated by a desire to protect us from the tyranny of Big Government. You know, like the tyranny of mandatory trash collection.
- Remainders: Glenn Greenwald does not have a good grasp on how the American presidency works; Scott Brown thinks the EPA is a "non-governmental agency"; and I have no idea why people watch Bill Maher for political commentary.
--Mori Dinauer