- It's no wonder conservatives are in love with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie -- he's the embodiment of conservative Republican leadership. He has total contempt for actual governance and zero compassion for his constituents. Blizzard hit Jersey? Tough s**t -- I'm in Florida with my kids. Second, he has total contempt for public workers. Superintendent contracts are up? Go find a new job. Most important, Christie loves pissing off liberals. That's why he has a film crew follow him around, yelling at people. The guy's the total package!
- While Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels would undoubtedly be the best choice out of an incredibly weak Republican presidential field, I'm turned off by his assertion that defaulting on the national debt would put "the American experiment" in "mortal peril" and would be "more frightening than even the Soviet nuclear threat, which would have been more horrible." Now I've never lived through a nuclear holocaust before, but I recently rewatched The Day After and, based on its portrayal of annihilation by atomic weapons, I have to say I would vastly prefer the United States to bounce a check. But hey, nothing says leadership like tapping into mortal terror.
- And speaking of the presidential race, what exactly is "exclusive" about Michele Bachmann feeding the gossip mill or Rick Santorum hiring staff in New Hampshire? I also hear that Tim Pawlenty is in places that aren't Minnesota but I'm not clear why I should care. Not that I don't appreciate the blog fodder, but there's only so much mileage to be had from a wide field of politicians with essentially the same policy position (America: f**k yeah) positioning themselves the be the last man/woman standing to take on a relatively popular incumbent president.
- Remainders: The Onion has one juicy scoop for you; Howard Dean was briefly attractive seven years ago because he was the only Democrat who would publicly say the Iraq War was incredibly stupid, but now he just sounds like an idiot; "[if] incremental libertarianism deserves more respect, then it also deserves more accountability"; to be clear, the only reason William Kristol cares about raising the debt limit is because bombing people costs real money; and Jeff Sessions is a moral monster.
-- Mori Dinauer