- Bill Richardson says that whoever has the delegate lead after tomorrow should get the nomination which is another way of saying Obama should get it.
- I haven’t written about the Obama-Canada flap because I didn’t think there was anything to it, but, apparently Austan Goolsbee did meet with someone from the Canadian consulate in Chicago (and a memo resulted which downplayed Obama’s commitment to renegotiating NAFTA as “political positioning"). Both the Obama campaign and the Canadian foreign ministry are downplaying the incident and arguing the memo was inaccurate and/or misleading. Gollsbee’s comments seem more like spin than anything else to me (he didn’t say any of Obama's public statements on NAFTA were lies), but as they say, when you’re explaining you’re losing. A fuller explanation of what Obama said before the release of the memo about Goolsbee's meeting is here -- it makes it clear that his campaign was less than forthcoming about Goolsbee's conversation, but didn't lie.
- The discussion of redoing the Florida primary has centered mostly on the idea of holding a party caucus, but Governor Charlie Crist now says he’s open to the idea of another primary which might make the Clinton campaign and the state party more open to the idea (the former because it prefers primaries, the latter because it wouldn’t have to foot the bill).
- Marc Ambinder says that Clinton will carry on if she wins the poplar vote in Texas and Ohio whatever the size of her victory. Hard to say if that’s real or just a way to convince people not to abandon her campaign. Apparently the mood in the Clinton campaign has improved in recent days. Regardless, I don’t see how she wins the nomination at this point without racking up some very big wins (more than 10 points at least) and that doesn’t seem that likely anytime soon (as Josh Marshall says the idea that Obama should drop out without big wins is about seven kinds of crazy). It’s seeming increasingly likely, however, that this primary is going to drag on for a couple more months…
- Robert Reich, Obama-supporter, former secretary of labor under Bill Clinton, and Prospect co-founder, argues that we should forget about NAFTA.
- McCain embraces the thoroughly discredited theory that vaccine preservative thimerosal (removed from vaccines in 2002) was responsible for some cases of autism. Guess he should have stuck to being Mr. Vague Generalities.
- A few follow-ups on last Friday’s item on Clinton’s Obama-will-let-your-children-be-killed-in-their-beds ad. The Obama camp has a great response, as do various people on the intertubes. Also, Slate's John Dickerson asked Mark Penn, Howard Wolfson and Lee Feinstein to name a time when Clinton had been tested on foreign policy and got... crickets and then some vague arm waving. How did they not have an answer ready for that?
- Finally, this is more weird than fun, but there’s now a video of clips of Jack Nicholson from various movies edited together to produce an endorsement of Clinton with a final statement of approval from Nicholson. And people thought will.i.am was creepy… Points for calling it "Jack and Hill" though.
—Sam Boyd