- The evolution in the past decade from "we don't torture" to "I'd totally waterboard KSM again" is depressing. Is it only a matter of time before human experimentation is considered something every American should be proud of?
- Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't taking action that disrupts a country's "whole way of life" -- as British Prime Minister David Cameron said he plans -- the very antithesis of conservatism?
- Rand Paul distorts what's in the Americans with Disabilities Act. Again.
- Brendan Nyhan finds no silver lining in the sale of Newsweek to the right-wing Newsmax.
- Weekend Remainders: What if political scientists wrote the news?; Jonathan Alter keeps the "emotionless Obama" meme alive; a three-strikes rule for political commentary; and John Holbo deconstructs the conservative proclivity toward weasel words.
-- Mori Dinauer