- The terrorist-as-supervillian meme has gotten pretty ridiculous at this point, and certainly wasn't helped by FBI Director Robert Mueller's remarks that potential terrorists could "radicalize" other inmates, even in maximum security facilities. Fortunately, Dianne Feinstein and Carl Levin have made it clear that they aren't as cowardly, supporting the opening of their states to Guantanamo transfers, if it ever happens.
- According to this story from The Hill, Democrats are rallying around Nancy Pelosi as the GOP tries to make her the villain in the controversy over CIA interrogation techniques. Perhaps even more significant is Arlen Specter's admission that "The CIA has a very bad record when it comes to -- I was about to say 'candid'; that's too mild -- to honesty." Looks like Specter is starting to earn that 'D' after his name after all.
- This ABC News report makes a pretty convincing case that Federal Appeals Court Judge Diane Wood is definitely in the final brackets for Obama's first Supreme Court appointment, although other candidates have confirmed they've been through the vetting process as well.
- It seems that Michael Steele, if he must be embarrassed, prefers to be responsible for his own embarrassment. Yesterday the RNC Chair managed to block a resolution that would have renamed the Democratic party to the "Democrat Socialist Party," instead merely condemning "the Democrats' march to socialism." baby steps, baby. Baby steps. See also, "Are conservatives more clever than they appear?"
- Remainders: Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) challenges George Will's self-delusional narcissism; a Rumsfeld aide stands up for his boss; where there's a Senate seat up for grabs, there's a Kennedy ready to make a play for it; a CFR senior fellow reminds us the Cold War ended nearly twenty years ago; and the birther bill gets a co-sponsor.
--Mori Dinauer