- The predictable comments from torture hawks regarding Eric Holder's appointment of a special prosecutor to look into abuse by the CIA has a frozen-in-amber quality to it. I especially like Joe Lieberman's blanket assertion that the "only" reason there hasn't been another attack on American soil is because unfettered intelligence agencies have been allowed to do their jobs, Rep. Peter King's (R-NY) borderline accusations of treason, and Sen. Kit Bond (R-MO) pulling out the old chestnut of the "stabbed in the back" myth. But what the hawks are ultimately arguing is that the nation's top law enforcement official should ignore his obligation to enforce the law by investigating.
- It's undeniable that Republicans want health-care reform killed so they can point to the Democrats' legislative defeat and blame a lack of bipartisanship on the failure. But to call this a conspiracy theory isn't hyperbole -- it's a complete abuse of what real conspiracy looks like. Aren't Democrats openly making these claims, now that the fantasy of bipartisan legislation has dissipated? Aren't Republicans -- the perennially confused Michael Steele excepted -- adamantly opposed to government intervention no matter what?
- Alan Abramowitz takes a look at the 2008 National Election Survey data and reaches the same conclusion anyone familiar with American political science literature would: the "independent voter" mostly votes like a partisan Democrat or Republican and true independents account for seven percent of voters. But since nearly 40 percent of the country self-identifies as independent, the two major parties must "fight" for these free spirits, who libertarians assure us, are soon to usher in a new era of gold standards, laissez-faire government and seasteading.
- Right-wing bloggers are up in arms because Barack Obama is going to "desecrate" the eighth anniversary of 9/11 by calling for a "national day of service" -- repeating the same declaration made by George Bush last year -- insinuating that this is the latest step towards "statist idolatry." I've said many times that much of the country simply lost their minds on that day, but came back to earth eventually. But for the right-wing blogosphere, 9/11 remains not only the date of their genesis, but the event which guides them into perpetuity.
- Remainders: health care reform protesters aren't the only ones packing heat at rallies; for Republicans, fiscal responsibility is a flexible concept; John Miller informs The Corner's readers that some of Conservapedia's entries might not be reliable; GOP Commander Limbaugh is refreshingly candid about his fear of castration; and whatcha gonna do when this former WWF world champion gets all incoherent on government spending on you?
--Mori Dinauer